Python Program to Generate a Random Number

The provided Python code utilizes the random module to generate a random integer within a specified range. The code defines a function named generate_random_number that takes two parameters, start and end, representing the inclusive range for the desired random number. Within the function, the random.randint(start, end) method is employed to generate a random integer within the given range. The example usage section demonstrates how to set a range for the random number (from start_range to end_range), and then calls the generate_random_number function with these parameters. The resulting random number is stored in the variable random_number, and the script prints this generated random number alongside the specified range to the console. This code can be easily modified by adjusting the start_range and end_range variables to generate random numbers within different ranges as needed.

Source code

import random

def generate_random_number(start, end):
    # Generate a random number between start and end (inclusive)
    random_number = random.randint(start, end)
    return random_number

# Example usage:
start_range = 1
end_range = 100

random_number = generate_random_number(start_range, end_range)

print(f"Random Number between {start_range} and {end_range}: {random_number}")


Certainly! Here’s a step-by-step description of the provided Python code:

  1. Importing the random module: The code begins by importing the random module, which provides functions for generating random numbers in Python. This module is necessary for using the randint function later in the code.
  2. Defining the generate_random_number function: A function named generate_random_number is defined. This function takes two parameters, start and end, which define the inclusive range within which the random number should be generated.
  3. Generating a random number within the specified range: Inside the generate_random_number function, the random.randint(start, end) method is used. This method generates a random integer within the range specified by the start and end parameters.
  4. Storing and returning the random number: The generated random number is stored in the variable random_number, and the function returns this value.
  5. Example usage: The code sets the range for the random number generation using the variables start_range and end_range. It then calls the generate_random_number function with these values, obtaining a random number within the specified range.
  6. Printing the result: Finally, the script prints the generated random number along with the specified range to the console, providing a clear output for the user.

This code structure allows for easy modification of the range and reuse of the generate_random_number function in other parts of a program.



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